Cricket wireless APN settings Manually

Cricket wireless APN settings Manually 

cricket APN 2024
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 For Windows phones, you'll need to enter the Cricket settings for data and MMS manually, but don't worry - it's easy! We'll walk you through the process here.

Please note: screens may vary slightly for different phone brands or versions of Windows OS.

1. From the main menu, swipe left to go to your applications.

2. Tap Settings.

3. Tap Cellular + SIM or Cellular.

4. Tap SIM Settings.

5. First tap add Internet APN (or edit Internet APN).

6. Add the following setting:

APN: ndo

Don’t worry about extra settings not listed.

7. Then tap add MMS APN (or edit MMS APN).

8. Add the following settings:

  • Name: Internet
  • APN: Endo
  • MMSC:
  • MMS Proxy:
  • Multimedia Message Port: 80
  • MCC: 310
  • MNC: 150
  • APN type: default,mms,fota,hipri,supl
  • APN protocol: IPv4
  • APN roaming protocol: IPv4
  • Turn APN on/off: ON

Don’t worry about extra settings not listed.

9. Press the Save icon to store your changes and then restart your device. Congratulations! Your settings are complete.


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